Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our first milestone as a single parent family!

           This weekend I survived the major thing I have been dreading since the twins were born; whether or not I could handle being alone with them for a weekend or extended period of time. My parents went out of town for the weekend and I was worried. I very rarely do the night time routine alone (with out someone to help if things get out of control). So here I am 2 plus days later and you know what this was great! The twins seemed to cry less mostly because I could leave door open which did away with the where's my mommy gone freak outs! The night time routine went smoothly. And we really had fun. I think that my parents need to go on vacation more often!
          It is also refreshing to know that when I am able to move out that I will be able to handle it. Maybe I have more patience and strength to do this on my own then I thought I did. I was actually impressed with how much i got done this weekend too. So all in all a great weekend and experience. Maybe change is a good thing ( for someone who greatly fears it)


  1. Congrats and I'm impressed! I too dread doing night time alone.

  2. Great job! Sometimes it's refreshing to know we had the capability all along.

  3. Stay strong Mama... It may seem crazy sometimes but it isn't only a journey... It's an adventure... bwahahahaha My husband is MOSTLY deployed, and since finding out we were pregnant 3 1/2 yrs ago, he's been home maybe a total of 10 months... and NOT all together... We can do it... and ALONE.. lol
