Monday, October 10, 2011

A new perspective

So here I am on the verge of being a mom of preschoolers and I have had a change of perspective. Case in point, my twins are entering the dreaded first winter in a preschool ( a first timers nightmare) what this means for me is a winter full of runny noses and coughing. It also means that many of our social outlets are not going to be reliable sources of entertainment for my twins.  Don't get me wrong I don't want to send my kids out into the world and infect all their friends. But it does seem like cruel and unusual punishment to force my outgoing kids to stay indoors ( at home) for weeks on end because they have some boogers. So here is my thought isn't it better for kids to catch colds before they enter kindergarten ( where they would miss a lot of school because of there lack of immunity) so my new philosophy is that germs are good. ( my kids still wash there hands and bathe) But I am not going to freak out about a kid having a cough or booger nose playing with my kids. As a matter of fact what about cold play dates, all those kids who cant go infect other kids can play together. Because the Lord knows I'm not going to survive this winter if were cooped up inside all winter. So your kids have a cough or runny nose with no fever or vomiting ( there has to be a line somewhere) let me know because chances are my kids are in the same boat and waiting to play with friends.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

finally remebered the password.

many things have happened since I last blogged. The biggest being my twins hitting their milestone 2nd birthday, they are now officially in the terrible twos and on some days giving mommy a run for her money. A good side to the twos is that my kids are much more capable now to do some things such as go on playground equipment without so much help which is good for me. They are also much more independent a favorite phrase being "me do it"  So now I hit the mommy hood of toddler hood. I am really going to try and get on here more. my goal for the rest of this year is to post every 2 weeks or milestone hits.